dremf - Linux


dremf is a powerful command-line tool designed to manage, retrieve, and manipulate data from various sources, primarily focusing on data extraction and retrieval from remote systems. It’s a versatile and widely-used command that caters to system administrators, researchers, and data analysts alike.



where COMMAND can be:

  • connect: Establish connection with a remote host
  • get: Retrieve data from a remote source
  • help: Display help information


  • -h, –help: Display this help message
  • -v, –verbose: Increase verbosity of output
  • -q, –quiet: Suppress all output except errors
  • -o, –output: Specifies the output file or directory
  • -f, –format: Sets the output format (e.g., csv, json)


Simple data retrieval:

dremf get data.csv

Advanced usage with options:

dremf -v -o output.json get data.json

Common Issues

  • Connection errors: Ensure you have proper network connectivity and valid credentials for the remote system.
  • Incorrect format: Verify that the specified output format is supported by the remote source.
  • Permission denied: Make sure you have sufficient permissions to access the data on the remote system.


  • Piping to other commands: Use output from dremf as input for other commands, e.g., dremf get data.csv | grep "pattern".
  • Shell scripts: Automate complex tasks by incorporating dremf in shell scripts.
  • CRMs and data analysis tools: Leverage dremf to extract data from external systems and populate databases or analytical tools.

Related Commands

  • curl: HTTP/HTTPS data transfer
  • ssh: Secure remote access
  • jq: JSON data manipulation
  • grep: Pattern matching