dpkg-name - Linux


The dpkg-name command provides information about installed packages in a Debian-based system. It’s mainly used to fetch metadata associated with packages like their names, versions, and specific file path locations.


dpkg-name [options] <package-pattern>


| Option | Description | Default |
| --installed | Query only installed packages | No |
| --available | Query only available packages | No |
| --name | Print the package names | No |
| --version | Print the package versions | No |
| --file | Print the full paths of the files installed by the package | No |
| -s|--status | Print the installation state of the package | No |
| --help | Show help and usage information | No |


Get package name:

dpkg-name --name linux-kernel

Get package version:

dpkg-name --version bash

Find file path of an installed package:

dpkg-name --file vim

Check if a package is installed:

dpkg-name --status nmap

Common Issues

  • No output: Ensure the package-pattern specified is correct. If the package is not installed or available, no output will be generated.
  • Incorrect path: Ensure the --file option is used correctly. The paths may vary depending on the system configuration.


dpkg-name can be used in conjunction with other commands:

  • dpkg -s $(dpkg-name --name package-name): Print package details from the database.
  • find $(dpkg-name --file package-name): Search for files installed by a specific package.
  • dpkg-query -f '${Package} ${Version}\n' $(dpkg-name --name package-name): Fetch detailed package information, including dependencies.

Related Commands

  • dpkg: Manage Debian packages.
  • dpkg-query: Query package information.
  • apt: Command-line tool for package management.