dpkg-genbuildinfo - Linux


dpkg-genbuildinfo is a tool for generating build-info sections for Debian packages. It is typically used during package build to automatically generate a build-info section in the DEB control file, containing information about the build environment and system.


dpkg-genbuildinfo [options] [package-version]


  • –append: Append to the existing build-info section instead of replacing it.
  • –decompress: Decompress the build-info section after generating it.
  • –no-decompress: Do not decompress the build-info section after generating it.
  • –debug: Print debugging information.
  • –edit-only: Edit the build-info section without generating it.
  • –find-all: Find all build-info sections in the package and print their contents.
  • –help: Display help information.
  • –location: Specify a path to a directory where build-info sections should be stored.
  • –long-version: Include long version information in the build-info section.
  • –machine: Include machine information in the build-info section.
  • –package-version: Specify a package version to use for generating the build-info section.
  • –platform: Include platform information in the build-info section.
  • –short-version: Include short version information in the build-info section.
  • –timestamp: Include a timestamp in the build-info section.
  • –vendor: Include vendor information in the build-info section.


To generate a build-info section and append it to an existing DEB control file:

dpkg-genbuildinfo --append

To generate a build-info section for a specific package version:

dpkg-genbuildinfo 1.0.0

To find and print all build-info sections in a package:

dpkg-genbuildinfo --find-all

Common Issues

If you encounter errors while using dpkg-genbuildinfo, check the following:

  • Ensure that you have sufficient permissions to write to the package directory.
  • Verify that the package has a proper DEB control file.
  • Check if there are any missing dependencies for the tool.


dpkg-genbuildinfo can be used in conjunction with other tools like dpkg-deb:

dpkg-genbuildinfo > control
dpkg-deb --build mypackage

Related Commands

  • dpkg: Tool for managing Debian packages.
  • dpkg-deb: Tool for creating and manipulating Debian packages.
  • dpkg-query: Tool for querying information about Debian packages.

Debian Package Management Wiki