dpkg-buildflags - Linux


dpkg-buildflags is a versatile tool designed to manage the build flags of Debian packages. These flags influence the compilation and packaging process, allowing customization and optimization of the resulting software. It’s valuable for both package maintainers and users who want to fine-tune their package installations.


dpkg-buildflags [options] <package-name>


  • -a, --available: List available build flags for the specified package.
  • -c, --clear: Clear all build flags for the specified package.
  • -e, --exact: Find the exact list of build flags used to build the installed version of a package.
  • -f, --flag: Specify the build flag(s) to apply.
  • -g, --global: Modify the global build flags instead of per-package flags.
  • -p, --package: Specify the name of the package to modify.
  • -s, --show: Display the current build flags for the specified package.


1. List available build flags for a package:

dpkg-buildflags -a vim

2. Set build flags for a package:

dpkg-buildflags -f -O2 -g vim

3. Clear build flags for a package:

dpkg-buildflags -c python3

4. Show current build flags for a package:

dpkg-buildflags -s libssl

Common Issues

  • Permission denied: Ensure you have sufficient privileges to modify build flags (root or sudo permissions may be required).
  • Package not found: Verify that the specified package is installed and has build flags available.
  • Conflicting flags: Some flags may conflict with each other, causing unexpected behavior. Check the package documentation or consult the package maintainer.


  • Use dpkg-buildflags in conjunction with make to compile packages with specific build flags:
make -f Makefile dpkg-buildflags=-O3
  • Combine dpkg-buildflags with dpkg-reconfigure to modify build flags for installed packages:
dpkg-reconfigure -p high -- --add-options=-DNDEBUG

Related Commands

  • dpkg: Manage Debian packages and their dependencies.
  • dpkg-deb: Extract and modify Debian package contents.
  • dpkg-query: Query information about installed Debian packages.