dpkg-build-api - Linux


dpkg-build-api is a command-line tool used to build Debian packages using a simplified and standardized API. It provides a common interface for interacting with various package management tools like dpkg, apt, and Aptitude, enabling automated and consistent package building processes.


dpkg-build-api [options] [target files...]


  • -a: Architecture to build the package for.
  • -c: Build a package in the specified component.
  • -d: Build a debian package from the source package.
  • -i: Install a package (requires -d).
  • -r: Remove (purge) a package (requires -d).
  • –debug: Print debugging information.
  • –help: Display this help message.
  • –version: Display the version of dpkg-build-api.


Building a Debian package:

dpkg-build-api -a amd64 -c main -d my-package.deb

Installing a package:

dpkg-build-api -i my-package.deb

Removing a package:

dpkg-build-api -r my-package.deb

Common Issues

  • If you encounter errors while building a package, check if you have the necessary dependencies installed and ensure that your source package is properly configured.
  • When installing a package, make sure that the package is compatible with your system and that you have sufficient permissions.


dpkg-build-api can be integrated with other package management tools like dpkg, apt, and Aptitude.

Example: Building a package and installing it with apt:

dpkg-build-api -a amd64 -c main -d my-package.deb && sudo apt install ./my-package.deb

Related Commands

  • dpkg
  • apt
  • Aptitude