double_t - Linux


double_t is a Linux command that is designed for rapid and concurrent execution of computational tasks. It leverages multiple processors or cores, enabling efficient handling of complex and demanding calculations.


double_t [options] <command> [arguments]


  • -h, –help: Display help information.
  • -v, –version: Display version information.
  • -n, –num-threads: Specify the number of threads to use (default: all available).
  • -c, –checkpoint-file: Specify a file for checkpointing the computation.
  • -t, –timeout: Set a maximum execution time in seconds before terminating the computation.


Simple Calculation:

double_t ./program

Concurrent Calculations with Multiple Threads:

double_t -n 8 ./program

Using a Checkpoint File:

double_t -c checkpoint.dat ./program

Common Issues

  • Incorrect Number of Threads: Using an excessive number of threads can result in decreased performance. Adjust the thread count to optimize efficiency.
  • Checkpoint File Corruption: Ensure the specified checkpoint file has sufficient permissions and is accessible.
  • Program Termination: If the program does not terminate within the specified timeout, it may require a manual kill or debugging.


double_t can be integrated into complex workflows involving:

  • Running multiple computation tasks in parallel.
  • Parallelizing computationally intensive programs.
  • Optimizing resource utilization by distributing tasks across multiple processor cores.

Related Commands

  • parallel
  • taskset