do_tracepoint - Linux


do_tracepoint is a Linux command used to create tracepoints, which are debugging hooks that provide information about kernel events. It enables developers to monitor and profile specific kernel activities, aiding in debugging and performance optimization.


do_tracepoint <name> <command> [flags] [args]


  • name: The name of the tracepoint to create.
  • command: The command to execute when the tracepoint is hit.


  • -a: Append the tracepoint to the existing tracepoints.
  • -e: Enable the tracepoint after creation.
  • -f: Overwrite an existing tracepoint with the same name.
  • -l: List all available tracepoints.
  • -p: Print the details of a specific tracepoint.
  • -r: Remove a tracepoint.


Creating a Tracepoint

To create a tracepoint named my_tracepoint that prints a message when the do_tracepoint command is hit:

do_tracepoint my_tracepoint echo "Tracepoint hit!"

Enabling and Disabling Tracepoints

Enable the tracepoint:

do_tracepoint -e my_tracepoint

Disable the tracepoint:

do_tracepoint -e - my_tracepoint

Listing Tracepoints

List all available tracepoints:

do_tracepoint -l

Removing Tracepoints

Remove a tracepoint:

do_tracepoint -r my_tracepoint

Common Issues

Command not found: Ensure that the do_tracepoint package is installed on your system.

Permission denied: You need root privileges to create or remove tracepoints.


do_tracepoint can be integrated with tools like perf and dtrace for advanced profiling and debugging.

Related Commands

  • perf: Performance analysis tool
  • dtrace: Dynamic tracing framework
  • strace: System call tracer