dnf-transaction-json - Linux


The dnf-transaction-json command in Linux allows users to initiate, manage, and retrieve information about transactions in the DNF package manager. Transactions are fundamental to managing software packages in a controlled and consistent manner.


dnf transaction-json [options] <command>


  • --help: Display usage information.
  • --quiet: Suppress unnecessary output.
  • --version: Show version information.
  • --color: Enable (or disable with --nocolor) colorized output.
  • --retry: Retry failed installation attempts.
  • --all-installed: List all currently installed packages.
  • --available: Show available update candidates.
  • --installed: Check for updates to installed packages.
  • --sec: Update rpmdb with security-related errata.


Example 1: Checking for Available Updates

dnf transaction-json --available > available-updates.json

Example 2: Installing a Package

dnf transaction-json install vim > install-vim.json

Example 3: Uninstalling a Package

dnf transaction-json --nogpg erase nodejs > uninstall-nodejs.json

Common Issues

Error: Transaction Failed

Check the JSON output for specific error messages and verify that the required dependencies are met.

Solution: Resolve package dependencies or handle installation/uninstallation conflicts.


dnf-transaction-json can be used in scripts or as part of automated processes. For example, it can be used to:

  • Track the history of package transactions.
  • Verify the status of a transaction before committing it.
  • Create custom installers or uninstallation scripts.

Related Commands

  • dnf: The primary command for managing packages in DNF.
  • dnf check-update: Checks for available updates.
  • dnf config-manager: Manages DNF settings.

For more information, refer to the official DNF documentation.