dnf.modularity - Linux


dnf.modularity is a tool that manages modular packages and modules within the DNF package manager. It allows users to enable, disable, list, and query modules, which are self-contained, isolated units of software functionality.


dnf.modularity [options] <subcommand> [arguments]



Enables one or more modules by name.


Disables one or more modules by name.


Lists all available modules, including enabled and disabled ones.


Queries information about a specific module by name.


Global Options

  • -h, --help : Display help and usage information.
  • -v, --verbose : Enable verbose output.
  • --version : Print version information.

Subcommand-Specific Options

  • --disable-conflicts : Enable modules even if they conflict with other enabled modules.
  • --force : Forcefully enable or disable a module, even if it is critical.


Enable a Module

dnf.modularity enable my-module

Disable a Module

dnf.modularity disable my-module

List All Modules

dnf.modularity list

Query Module Information

dnf.modularity query my-module

Common Issues

Module Conflicts

If two modules conflict with each other, you may need to use the --disable-conflicts option to enable both modules. However, be aware that this can lead to unexpected behavior or system instability.


dnf.modularity can be combined with other DNF commands for advanced tasks. For example:

dnf install dnf-modularity && dnf.modularity enable my-module

Related Commands

  • dnf : The main DNF package manager.
  • rpm : A low-level package manager.