dlinfo - Linux


dlinfo is a command-line utility designed to extract extensive information about various aspects of your Linux distribution. It provides a comprehensive overview of the system configuration, kernel settings, and hardware components, allowing for quick and easy diagnostics and troubleshooting.


dlinfo [OPTIONS]


  • -a, –all: Display detailed information for all installed packages.
  • -c, –cpu: Show detailed CPU architecture and cache information.
  • -d, –disk: Provide information on all storage devices, including partitions and file systems.
  • -g, –gpu: Display information about the graphics processing unit(s) installed.
  • -k, –kernel: Display kernel version, build options, and settings.
  • -m, –memory: Show detailed memory information, including total capacity, speed, and usage.
  • -n, –network: Display information about network interfaces, IP addresses, and routing table.
  • -o, –os: Display detailed Linux distribution information, including name, version, and release date.
  • -p, –packages: Show installed packages, including their versions and repositories.
  • -s, –system: Display general system information, including hostname, uptime, and boot time.
  • -u, –updates: Check for available system updates and display pending packages.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output, providing additional details.
  • -h, –help: Display this help message.


Simple usage to display basic system information:


Show detailed CPU architecture and cache information:

dlinfo -c

Display all installed packages along with their versions:

dlinfo -a

Check for available system updates and list pending packages:

dlinfo -u

Generate a detailed system report in a text file:

dlinfo > system_report.txt

Common Issues

  • Insufficient permissions: Ensure you have root or sudo privileges to run dlinfo with all options.
  • Outdated package database: Use sudo apt-get update or sudo yum update before running dlinfo to ensure the latest package information is available.


Create a script to monitor system resources:


# Retrieve system information
cpu=$(dlinfo -c)
mem=$(dlinfo -m)
disk=$(dlinfo -d)

# Send system information to a monitoring server
curl -X POST -d "$cpu;$mem;$disk" https://monitoring.example.org/api/systems

Related Commands

  • lshw – Display detailed information about computer hardware components.
  • uname – Print basic system information, including kernel version and system architecture.
  • dpkg or yum – Manage installed packages and perform updates.