devlink-resource - Linux


devlink-resource manages device resources on network interfaces. It allows users to request and release resources, display resource allocation details, and modify resource limits. This command is particularly useful for configuring and troubleshooting network devices in Linux.


devlink-resource [OPTIONS] DEV


  • -h, –help: Display help and exit.
  • -v, –version: Display version and exit.
  • -l, –list: List available resources on the specified device.
  • –persistent: Specify that the resource allocation should be persistent across reboots.
  • -r, –release: Release the specified resource.
  • -s, –stats: Display statistics about resource allocation.
  • -t, –type: Specify the type of resource to request or release. Available types are:
    • link-local: Link-local IP addresses.
    • ipv6-local: IPv6 link-local addresses.
    • ipv4-neighbor: IPv4 neighbor entries.
    • ipv6-neighbor: IPv6 neighbor entries.
    • bonding: Bonding resources.
    • mdio: MDIO resources.
    • rxq: Receive queues.
    • txq: Transmit queues.
    • rxbuf: Receive buffer resources.
    • txbuf: Transmit buffer resources.
    • hwgrp: Hardware group resources.
    • port: Port resources.
    • rss-key: RSS key resources.
  • -d, –dev: Device name or path.


  1. List available resources on a device:

    devlink-resource -l eth0
  2. Request a link-local IPv6 address:

    devlink-resource -t ipv6-local -d eth0
  3. Release a specific resource:

    devlink-resource -r -t ipv6-local -d eth0 2001:db8::2
  4. Display statistics about resource allocation:

    devlink-resource -s -t link-local -d eth0

Common Issues

  • Resource not available: The requested resource may not be available on the device. Verify the device capabilities and resource availability before requesting.
  • Resource limit exceeded: The device may have a limit on the number of resources that can be allocated. Check the resource limits and adjust them if necessary.
  • Permission denied: The user may not have sufficient privileges to allocate or release resources. Ensure that the user has appropriate permissions or use sudo to elevate privileges.


devlink-resource can be integrated with other commands or tools for advanced tasks. For example:

  • Use devlink-resource with tc to configure traffic control based on resource allocation.
  • Combine devlink-resource with ip to manage IP addresses and allocate link-local addresses.
  • devlink-resource can be used in scripts to automate network configuration and troubleshooting.

Related Commands

  • devlink manages device attributes, such as link state and queue configurations.
  • tc configures traffic control rules.
  • ip manages IP networking configuration.