des_setparity - Linux


des_setparity is a utility designed to analyze and manipulate the parity bits commonly found in DES encryption keys. It calculates and sets the parity bits, ensuring the key meets the required format.


des_setparity [options] key


  • key: The DES key value to be modified.


  • -d, –display: Output the modified key with parity bits highlighted.
  • -e, –encrypt: Use DES algorithm to encrypt the modified key with the included key.
  • -p, –parity: Specify the parity to be set (odd or even). Default is odd.
  • -w, –write: Write the modified key to the specified file.


Setting Parity Bits

des_setparity 111111110000000011111111

Displaying Modified Key

des_setparity -d 111111110000000011111111

Writing Modified Key to File

des_setparity -w my_key 111111110000000011111111

Common Issues

Incorrect Parity: Ensure the desired parity is specified using -p.

Invalid Key Format: Verify that the provided key is in the correct DES key format (64 bits).


des_setparity can be incorporated into scripts for automated key generation and manipulation tasks. For example, it can be combined with openssl to generate encrypted DES keys:

key=$(des_setparity -e -p odd my_secret_key)
openssl enc -des-ede3 -in data.txt -out encrypted.txt -k "$key"

Related Commands

  • des_checkparity: Verifies the parity bits of a DES key.
  • openssl: Versatile tool for cryptography and secure communication.