delay_output - Linux


delay_output is a Linux command for controlling the timing of command output. It can be used to introduce delays between the execution of commands or during the display of output. This makes it a valuable tool for debugging, testing, and simulating real-world scenarios.




| Option | Description | Default |
| -d, --delay | Delay time in seconds | 0 |
| -m, --message | Display a message before the delay | "" |
| -f, --flush | Flush output before the delay | No |


Simple delay: Delay for 5 seconds before executing the ls command:

delay_output -d 5 ls

Delay with message: Display a message before a 3-second delay:

delay_output -m "Delaying for 3 seconds..." -d 3

Flush before delay: Flush output before a 5-second delay:

delay_output -f -d 5

Complex usage: Introduce a 2-second delay between each line of the cat output:

cat some_file | delay_output -d 2

Common Issues

  • Command not found: Ensure delay_output is installed and in the command path.
  • Invalid delay: The delay time must be a positive number.
  • No output delay: If the command does not produce any output, no delay will be introduced.


With other commands: Connect delay_output with other commands to control their execution timing:

echo "Starting command..." | delay_output -d 3 | some_command

In scripts: Use delay_output in scripts to introduce delays or simulate real-world scenarios:


# Simulate a 5-second server response
delay_output -m "Waiting for server response..." -d 5
echo "Server response received."

Related Commands

  • sleep: Pause execution for a specified duration
  • time: Measure the execution time of a command
  • ts: Timestamp output for debugging and logging