debuginfo-install - Linux


The debuginfo-install command installs debugging information for a specific package on the system. It makes available debug information, such as source code and symbol tables, which can be useful for debugging and troubleshooting issues within installed packages.


debuginfo-install [options] package-name ...


  • -a, –all: Install debugging information for all installed packages.
  • -l, –list: List package names for which debugging information is installed.
  • -p, –package: Specify a package name. Multiple package names can be provided.
  • -q, –quiet: Suppress informative messages.


Simple Usage:

  • Install debugging information for a specific package:

    debuginfo-install glibc
  • Install debugging information for all installed packages:

    debuginfo-install -a

Complex Usage:

  • Install debugging information for multiple packages:

    debuginfo-install bash coreutils tar
  • List package names with installed debugging information:

    debuginfo-install -l

Common Issues

  • Package not found: Ensure the specified package is installed on the system.
  • Access denied: Verify that the user has sufficient permissions to install debugging information.


debuginfo-install can be used with other commands for advanced tasks, such as:

  • gdb: Use debugging information with the gdb debugger to troubleshoot issues in specific programs.
  • dwarfdump: Dump debugging information in DWARF format for further analysis.

Related Commands

  • debuginfo-package: Manage debugging information packages.
  • rpm: Install, remove, query, and manage RPM packages.
  • dpkg: Install, remove, and manage Debian packages.