deb-extra-override - Linux


The deb-extra-override command is a utility used to manage extra package metadata in Debian package management. It allows you to override the default metadata in the package database with user-defined values. This is useful for customizing or locally modifying package behavior.


deb-extra-override [options] package-name [key=value]...


  • -s, –show-override: Display the current override values for the specified package.
  • -d, –delete-override: Delete all override values for the specified package.
  • -f, –source-list: Specify the source list to use when overriding metadata.
  • -o, –override-file: Specify an override file to read from or write to.


Simple Override

Set the Priority field of the nano package to required:

deb-extra-override nano Priority=required

Complex Override

Override multiple fields of the apache2 package using an override file:

# my-apache-override.conf
Priority: required
Section: admin

Then apply the override:

deb-extra-override -o my-apache-override.conf apache2

Restoring Defaults

Delete all overrides for the openssh-server package:

deb-extra-override -d openssh-server

Common Issues

  • Package not found: Ensure that the specified package is installed and exists in the package database.
  • Permission denied: Verify that you have sufficient permissions to modify package metadata.


deb-extra-override integrates with the apt package management system. Override values set with deb-extra-override are used during package installation and update.

Related Commands

  • apt: Main package management command.
  • dpkg: Package installation and manipulation tool.
  • apt-preferences: Set package priorities and sorting rules.