dcb-ets - Linux


dcb-ets is a command-line tool used to configure Ethernet Data Center Bridging (DCB) Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS). DCB is a set of IEEE 802.1Q standards that define mechanisms to enhance the performance of Ethernet networks in data center environments. ETS allows the assignment of multiple traffic classes to a single physical link, providing Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees for different types of traffic.


dcb-ets [-h] [-v] [-i <INTERFACE>] [-m] [-s] [-c <CLASS>] [-e <ETS>] [-p <PRIORITY>] [-w <WEIGHT>]


  • -h, –help: Display usage information and exit.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output.
  • -i, –interface: Specify the Ethernet interface to configure.
  • -m, –modify: Modify the current ETS configuration.
  • -s, –setup: Set up a new ETS configuration.
  • -c, –class: Specify the traffic class to configure. Valid values are 0-7.
  • -e, –ets: Specify the ETS group to configure. Valid values are 0-15.
  • -p, –priority: Specify the priority for the traffic class. Valid values are 0-7.
  • -w, –weight: Specify the weight for the traffic class. Valid values are 1-1024.


Configure a new ETS group:

dcb-ets -s -i eth0 -e 0 -w 1024

Add a traffic class to an existing ETS group:

dcb-ets -m -i eth0 -e 0 -c 1 -p 5 -w 512

Modify the weight of a traffic class:

dcb-ets -m -i eth0 -e 0 -c 2 -w 256

Common Issues

  • Error: Invalid interface name: Ensure that the specified interface name is correct and exists on the system.
  • Error: Invalid ETS group: ETS group values must be between 0 and 15.
  • Error: Invalid traffic class: Traffic class values must be between 0 and 7.
  • Error: Invalid priority: Priority values must be between 0 and 7.
  • Error: Invalid weight: Weight values must be between 1 and 1024.


dcb-ets can be used in conjunction with other DCB tools, such as dcb-admin, to configure advanced QoS settings. Scripts may be created to automate the configuration and management of ETS groups.

Related Commands

  • ethtool – Configure Ethernet device settings
  • tc – Configure traffic control policies
  • dcb-admin – Manage DCB settings