dbm_firstkey - Linux


dbm_firstkey is a function in the GNU C Library (glibc) that returns the first key from a DBM (database management) database. DBM is an older database format that is no longer widely used, but dbm_firstkey can still be useful for accessing legacy DBM databases.


char *dbm_firstkey(DBM *db);


  • db: A pointer to the DBM database.

Return Value

dbm_firstkey returns a pointer to the first key in the database. If the database is empty, dbm_firstkey returns NULL.




The following example shows how to use dbm_firstkey to retrieve the first key from a DBM database:

#include <dbm.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    DBM *db;
    char *key;

    // Open the DBM database.
    db = dbm_open("mydb", O_RDONLY, 0);
    if (!db) {

    // Get the first key from the database.
    key = dbm_firstkey(db);
    if (!key) {
        printf("The database is empty.\n");
    } else {
        printf("The first key in the database is %s.\n", key);

    // Close the DBM database.

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Common Issues

One common error when using dbm_firstkey is trying to access a DBM database that has not been opened. To avoid this error, make sure to open the database before calling dbm_firstkey.

Another common error is trying to access a key that does not exist in the database. If dbm_firstkey returns NULL, check that the database contains the key you are trying to access.


dbm_firstkey can be used with other DBM functions to iterate over all of the keys in a database. For example, the following code uses dbm_firstkey and dbm_nextkey to print all of the keys in a database:

#include <dbm.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    DBM *db;
    char *key;

    // Open the DBM database.
    db = dbm_open("mydb", O_RDONLY, 0);
    if (!db) {

    // Get the first key from the database.
    key = dbm_firstkey(db);

    // Loop through all of the keys in the database.
    while (key) {
        printf("%s\n", key);

        // Get the next key from the database.
        key = dbm_nextkey(db);

    // Close the DBM database.

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Related Commands

  • dbm_open: Opens a DBM database.
  • dbm_close: Closes a DBM database.
  • dbm_store: Stores a key-value pair in a DBM database.
  • dbm_fetch: Retrieves a value from a DBM database.
  • dbm_delete: Deletes a key-value pair from a DBM database.