curs_window - Linux


curs_window allows precise control over cursor movement and visibility in the Linux terminal. It is ideal for creating custom terminal applications, enhancing user interfaces, and debugging terminal-based programs.


curs_window [options] [width] [height]


  • -A: Alternate screen buffer.
  • -B: Blink cursor.
  • -C: Clear screen.
  • -f file: Read commands from file.
  • -h: Help.
  • -i: Invisible cursor.
  • -I: Move cursor relative to current position.
  • -l: Lower left corner of screen.
  • -m: Set mouse tracking mode.
  • -s: Start cursor.
  • -V: Verify cursor position.
  • -x: Hide cursor.


Position cursor at (10,10):

curs_window -I 10 10

Blink a visible cursor:

curs_window -B -s

Use an alternate screen buffer:

curs_window -A

Common Issues

  • Cursor not visible: Check if the invisible cursor option (-i) is enabled.
  • Mouse not tracking: Ensure the mouse tracking mode (-m) is activated.
  • Unexpected screen clearing: Verify that clear screen option (-C) is not set accidentally.


Custom Terminal Application:


# Custom application code

Command Chaining:

ls | curs_window -C -I 10 10

Related Commands

  • clear: Clear the screen.
  • reset: Reset the terminal to default settings.
  • tput: Set terminal parameters.

curs_window man page