curs_variables - Linux


curs_variables is a command-line utility that allows users to manipulate cursor variables in Bash and other POSIX-compliant shells. It provides a convenient way to create, modify, and retrieve values stored in cursor variables, which can be useful for storing and managing temporary data or configuration settings.


curs_variables [options] [variable=value] [variable1=value1] ...


-g, –get: Retrieve the value of the specified variable(s) and print them to standard output.
-s, –set: Set the value of the specified variable(s) to the given value(s).
-u, –unset: Unset the specified variable(s), removing them from the cursor variable table.
-l, –list: List all defined cursor variables and their current values.
-d, –display: Display the cursor variable table in a human-readable format.
-h, –help: Display usage information.


Setting and Retrieving Variables

curs_variables -s my_var=Hello
echo $(curs_variables -g my_var)  # Output: Hello

Listing Variables

curs_variables -l
# Output:
# my_var=Hello
# another_var=World

Unsetting Variables

curs_variables -u my_var
curs_variables -l  # Output: # another_var=World

Common Issues

Variable not found: Ensure that the variable has been defined before trying to retrieve its value.

Variable not set: Use the -s option to set the variable’s value before retrieving it.


curs_variables can be integrated into scripts or command chains to manage data dynamically. For example:


# Get user input
read -p "Enter your name: " name

# Store name in a cursor variable
curs_variables -s user_name=$name

# Use $user_name in subsequent commands
echo "Welcome, $user_name!"

Related Commands

  • declare: Declare and manipulate shell variables.
  • typeset: Define and set shell variables.
  • unset: Remove shell variables.