curs_trace - Linux


curs_trace is a command-line utility that traces cursor events within a terminal emulator. It captures and records cursor movements, button clicks, and other cursor-related events, providing valuable insights for debugging terminal applications and user behavior analysis.


curs_trace [-d] [-f <filename>] [-p] [-s <start_time>] [-t <end_time>] [-w]


  • -d: Enable debug mode, providing verbose output during tracing.
  • -f <filename>: Specify a file path to save the trace results. Defaults to curs_trace.log.
  • -p: Print trace events to the standard output instead of a file.
  • -s <start_time>: Start tracing at the specified time (in seconds).
  • -t <end_time>: Stop tracing at the specified time (in seconds).
  • -w: Wait for user input before starting tracing.


Simple trace:


Trace for a specific duration:

curs_trace -s 10 -t 60

Print trace events to the output:

curs_trace -p

Save trace to a file and enable debug mode:

curs_trace -d -f my_trace.log

Common Issues

Command not found: Ensure that curs_trace is installed and available in the system path.

Permission denied: The trace file may not be created or written to due to insufficient permissions. Run the command with elevated privileges (e.g., as root).


Combine with grep: Filter trace events by specific keywords or patterns:

curs_trace -p | grep 'cursor moved'

Related Commands

  • tput: Controls terminal settings and cursor movement.
  • logger: Records messages to the system log.