curs_touch - Linux


curs_touch is a versatile Linux command that allows users to control the screen cursor’s appearance and behavior. It provides a range of options to customize the cursor’s shape, color, and blinking properties. This command proves particularly useful for visually enhancing text-based applications, debugging, and improving user experience in terminal environments.


curs_touch [-f] | [-s <size>] | [-b <rate>] | [-C <color>] | [-a <color>] | [-p <pattern>] | [-d]


  • -f: Force cursor changes to take effect, overriding previous settings.
  • -s <size>: Set the cursor size in pixels. Defaults to 10×10.
  • -b <rate>: Specify the cursor blinking rate in milliseconds. Defaults to 500.
  • -C <color>: Set the cursor color in hex format (e.g., #ffffff for white). Defaults to the terminal’s default color.
  • -a <color>: Set the cursor outline color. Defaults to black.
  • -p <pattern>: Create a custom cursor pattern using characters. Max size is 32×32.
  • -d: Disable cursor blinking.


  • Change cursor size: curs_touch -s 20
  • Set blinking rate to 2 seconds: curs_touch -b 2000
  • Specify cursor color as red: curs_touch -C #ff0000
  • Create a heart-shaped cursor: curs_touch -p " ^^ \n ^_^ \n < . . >\n <\( . )/>"

Common Issues

  • Cursor changes not taking effect: Ensure -f is used to override existing settings.
  • Cursor disappears: The cursor may become invisible if its color matches the background. Try changing the cursor or background color.


curs_touch can be combined with other tools to enhance terminal usage:

  • tmux: Use curs_touch -f within tmux to change cursor settings in specific panes.
  • Bash: Create custom cursor scripts to automate cursor changes based on specific conditions or user input.

Related Commands

  • setterm: Configure terminal settings, including cursor parameters.
  • xterm: Advanced terminal emulator that supports custom cursor configurations.