curs_scr_dump - Linux


curs_scr_dump is a powerful utility for dumping the console screen buffer of a Linux system. It provides an efficient way to capture and analyze the current state of the screen, making it a valuable tool for debugging, troubleshooting, and system monitoring.


curs_scr_dump [options] [output_file]


  • -h, –help: Display brief help information.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output, providing additional details.
  • -a, –all: Dump all screen buffers (not just the active one).
  • -o, –output: Specify an output file to write the dump to. Defaults to stdout.
  • -b, –binary: Output the dump in binary format.
  • -t, –timestamp: Append a timestamp to each dump line.
  • -c, –color: Preserve color attributes in the dump by using ANSI escape codes.
  • -n, –no-attr: Dump only the character data without any text attributes.


Dump the active console screen buffer to stdout:


Dump all console screen buffers to a file in binary format:

curs_scr_dump -a -o dump.bin -b

Dump the active console screen buffer with a timestamp and color attributes:

curs_scr_dump -t -c

Common Issues

  • Permission denied: Ensure that you have sufficient permissions to read the console screen buffer.


curs_scr_dump can be integrated with other Linux commands for advanced tasks, such as:

  • grep: Filter the dump output based on specific keywords or patterns.
  • sed: Modify the dump output to extract or transform specific data.
  • awk: Analyze the dump output and perform statistical calculations or data manipulation.

Related Commands

  • dmesg: Dump kernel ring buffer messages.
  • journalctl: View and manage system logs.
  • cat /proc/console: Read the console screen buffer directly from procfs.