curs_outopts - Linux


The curs_outopts command allows users to set and retrieve output options for curses applications. Curses is a library that provides standard input and output routines for creating text-based user interfaces in Linux. These options affect how curses handles output to the terminal.


curs_outopts [option]...


  • -a, –auto_refresh: Enable automatic screen refresh after writing to terminal.
  • -o, –output_invisible: Display invisible characters on the screen.
  • -r, –raw: Disable line buffering and special character interpretation.
  • -t, –terminal: Specify the terminal device to use. Default: /dev/tty.
  • -O, –only_cursor_pos_changed: Only refresh the screen when the cursor position changes.
  • -S, –save_old_term: Save the current terminal settings before initializing curses.
  • -T, –termcap: Specify the name of the terminfo database to use.
  • -V, –variable: Set a variable to the specified value.
  • -h, –help: Display help and usage information.


  • Enable automatic screen refresh:
curs_outopts -a
  • Display invisible characters:
curs_outopts -o
  • Disable line buffering and special character interpretation:
curs_outopts -r

Common Issues

  • No screen output: Ensure that the terminal device is correctly specified using the -t option.
  • Characters are not echoed to the screen: Disable raw mode using the -r option.
  • Terminfo database not found: Specify the correct terminfo database name using the -T option.


  • Use curs_outopts in shell scripts to configure terminal settings for specific curses applications.
  • Combine with other Linux commands like tput or printf to create complex terminal output effects.

Related Commands

  • tput: Send commands to the terminal.
  • clear: Clear the terminal screen.
  • info tput: Display information about tput capabilities.
  • ncurses manual: Official documentation for the ncurses library, which includes curses.