curs_memleaks - Linux


curs_memleaks is a specialized tool designed to detect memory leaks in Node.js applications. It provides detailed information about the source of memory leaks, enabling developers to address these issues efficiently.


curs_memleaks [--timeout <seconds>] [--sample-interval <seconds>] [--report-interval <seconds>] [--] <node options> <script>


  • –timeout : Set the maximum runtime for the memory leak detection process. Default: 600 seconds (10 minutes).
  • –sample-interval : Specify the time interval between memory snapshot collections. Default: 2 seconds.
  • –report-interval : Set the interval for generating progress reports during memory leak detection. Default: 5 seconds.
  • : Pass additional Node.js options to the script.


Simple Usage:

curs_memleaks npm start

Custom Configuration:

curs_memleaks --timeout 900 --sample-interval 1 --report-interval 10 npm start

Advanced Script:

curs_memleaks -- node run-script.js

Common Issues

  • High CPU Usage: Memory leak detection may consume significant CPU resources. Adjust sample and report intervals to mitigate the impact.
  • False Positives: curs_memleaks may identify potential leaks that are not actual memory leaks. Inspect the report carefully and verify the issue.
  • Missed Leaks: Ensure the application is running long enough to trigger memory leaks. Consider increasing the timeout option.


curs_memleaks can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines to automatically detect memory leaks during testing and deployment.

npm run build && npm test && curs_memleaks npm start

Related Commands

  • nodemon: Node.js development tool that automatically restarts the application upon code changes.
  • pm2: Process manager for Node.js applications, providing monitoring and error handling capabilities.