curs_kernel - Linux


curs_kernel is a command-line tool used to manage cursor devices in the Linux kernel. It allows users to create, display, and manipulate cursors, as well as set their properties. curs_kernel is essential for developing custom cursors and fine-tuning cursor behavior in Linux-based systems.


curs_kernel <command> [options]


  • -c, –create [name]
    Creates a new cursor with the specified name.

  • -d, –delete [name]
    Deletes the cursor with the specified name.

  • -g, –get [name]
    Displays the properties of the cursor with the specified name.

  • -l, –list
    Lists all available cursors and their properties.

  • -s, –set [name] [property=value]
    Sets a property of the cursor with the specified name. Available properties include:

    • size (width and height in pixels)
    • hotspot (X and Y coordinates of the cursor hotspot)
    • color (foreground and background colors in hex format)


Create a new cursor:

curs_kernel -c my_cursor

Delete a cursor:

curs_kernel -d my_cursor

Set the color of a cursor:

curs_kernel -s my_cursor color=ff0000

Common Issues

  • Cursor not displaying:
    Ensure that the cursor device is properly configured and enabled in the system settings.

  • Cursor properties not being applied:
    Check if there are any conflicting settings or applications that might be overriding the cursor properties set by curs_kernel.


curs_kernel can be integrated with other commands to create complex cursor management scripts. For example:

for cursor in $(curs_kernel -l); do echo -n "${cursor}: "; curs_kernel -g $cursor; done

This script lists the available cursors along with their properties.

Related Commands

  • xset: Sets mouse and cursor settings on the X server.
  • setterm: Sets terminal settings, including cursor blink rate and appearance.