curs_beep - Linux


The curs_beep command triggers a beep sound on the system when the cursor moves to the end of a line while typing in a terminal. It enhances the user experience by providing an auditory cue to indicate the cursor’s movement and prevent accidental overtyping.


curs_beep [-acdeghilnpst]


  • -a: Beeps on both ends of a line.
  • -c: Continuously beeps until the cursor is moved back.
  • -d: Beeps when deleting characters.
  • -e: Beeps when entering insert mode (^O).
  • -g: Beeps when using the word erase key (Control-W).
  • -h: Prints a help message.
  • -i: Beeps when indentation is changed.
  • -l: Beeps when moving to the end of the line.
  • -n: Beeps when the cursor is moved.
  • -p: Beeps when pasting text.
  • -s: Beeps when scrolling.
  • -t: Beeps when a tab is pressed.


  • Enable beeping on reaching the end of a line:
curs_beep -l
  • Beep continuously until the cursor is moved:
curs_beep -c
  • Trigger a beep when deleting characters and scrolling:
curs_beep -d -s

Common Issues

  • No beep is heard: Make sure your terminal emulator supports audio output.
  • Beep sound is too loud: Adjust the volume settings in your terminal settings.


  • Combine curs_beep with Bash‘s trap command to create custom signals for specific key presses:
trap 'curs_beep -n' INT
  • Enhance scripts by adding curs_beep commands for improved user feedback during execution.

Related Commands

  • beep: Generates a simple tone.
  • tput: Manipulates the terminal settings, including cursor position and color.