cups-lpd - Linux


cups-lpd is a print server daemon that provides compatibility with traditional line printer daemon (LPD) systems. It allows Linux systems to share printers with Windows and other LPD-based clients.


cups-lpd [options]


  • -c, –config-file : Specify an alternate configuration file.
  • -d, –debug-level <0-9>: Set the debugging level; 0 for minimal, 9 for maximum.
  • -f, –foreground: Run in the foreground instead of detaching.
  • -h, –help: Show a help message.
  • -l, –listen : Listen on the specified TCP port (default: 515).
  • -p, –printer : Specify the printer to share.
  • -t, –timeout : Set the connection timeout (default: 60).


Basic Usage

Share the printer named "MyPrinter":

cups-lpd -p MyPrinter

Listen on a Specific Port

Listen on port 8080:

cups-lpd -l 8080

Debugging Mode

Run with debugging level 5:

cups-lpd -d 5

Common Issues

  • Error connecting to LPD client: Ensure the LPD client is configured correctly and the network connection is stable.
  • Print jobs not being processed: Check if the printer is powered on and connected, and verify the printer configuration in the CUPS web interface.


  • Use with cups-pdf to convert incoming LPD print jobs to PDF files for archival.
  • Integrate with samba to allow Windows clients to access the printer over a network share.

Related Commands

  • cupsd: Main CUPS print server daemon
  • lpr: Print a file to an LPD-based printer
  • lpq: Manage print jobs in an LPD queue