ctinfo - Linux


ctinfo is a command-line utility used to gather detailed information and statistics about control groups (cgroups) in a Linux system. It offers insights into resource usage, hierarchies, and constraints applied to processes and tasks.


ctinfo [options] [--] [cgroup-path]...


  • -h, --help: Display help and exit.
  • -v, --version: Print version information and exit.
  • -i, --info: Get general information about the specified cgroup.
  • -s, --stats: Show resource usage statistics for the cgroup.
  • -p, --processes: List processes running inside the cgroup.
  • -d, --drop: Exclude specific subsystems or groups from the output.
  • -a, --all: Display all cgroups and their properties, even inactive ones.
  • -l, --long: Output more detailed information for each cgroup.


Get basic information about a cgroup:

ctinfo /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/test

Show resource usage statistics for a cgroup:

ctinfo -s /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/foo

List all active cgroups in the system:

ctinfo -a

Display information about specific subsystems:

ctinfo -d cpu,memory /sys/fs/cgroup

Common Issues

  • Incorrect cgroup path: Ensure the specified cgroup path is valid and exists.
  • Permission denied: Check user permissions to access the cgroup filesystem.
  • Process not found: Processes may not be visible in cgroup listings if they are stopped or have exited.


ctinfo can be used in combination with other commands for system monitoring and performance analysis:

  • top: Integrate ctinfo into top to display cgroup usage statistics alongside process information.
  • ps: Use ctinfo to identify cgroups associated with specific processes and their usage patterns.

Related Commands

  • cgcreate: Create a new cgroup.
  • cgdelete: Delete a cgroup.
  • cgset: Set cgroup parameters.
  • cgexec: Execute a command within a specific cgroup.
  • systemd-cgls: List and manage cgroups from within systemd.