csqrtl - Linux


csqrtl is a command-line tool for managing SSL/TLS certificates, certificate signing requests (CSRs), and private keys. It’s commonly used by system administrators and developers to simplify certificate management tasks.


csqrtl [global options] command [command options]


Global Options:

  • -h, –help: Print help and exit
  • -v, –version: Print version information and exit
  • -d, –debug: Enable debug output
  • -c, –config: Specify a custom configuration file

Command Options: (Specific to each command, see csqrtl help <command> for details)


Generate a new private key and CSR:

csqrtl create-csr --key-file my-key.pem --csr-file my-csr.pem

Renew an existing certificate:

csqrtl renew-cert --cert-file my-cert.pem --key-file my-key.pem

Install a new certificate and key:

sudo csqrtl install-cert --cert-file my-cert.pem --key-file my-key.pem

Common Issues

  • Permission errors: Ensure you have the appropriate permissions to access the certificate and key files.
  • Outdated OpenSSL: Upgrade to the latest version of OpenSSL for optimal functionality.
  • Configuration file not found: Specify the configuration file path using the -c option if it’s not in the default location.


With Shell Scripts:


# Generate a new certificate
csqrtl create-cert --key-file my-key.pem --cert-file my-cert.pem

# Install the certificate
sudo csqrtl install-cert --cert-file my-cert.pem

With Other Commands:

  • awk: Extract specific fields from certificates or CSRs
  • grep: Filter certificates or CSRs based on specific criteria
  • openssl: Perform advanced cryptographic operations on certificates and keys

Related Commands

  • openssl: OpenSSL command-line tool for cryptography
  • acmetool: Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) client
  • tinyssl: Command-line tool for TLS testing and introspection