cryptsetup-tcryptDump - Linux


cryptsetup-tcryptDump extracts the header information and private metadata of a TrueCrypt-encrypted device or file. It provides a way to inspect and analyze the encrypted data without having to mount or decrypt the device.


cryptsetup-tcryptDump [options] <device>


  • -a, –analyze-private-header: Analyze the private header of the device or file to extract additional metadata, such as key derivation information.
  • -o, –output-file : Save the header information to the specified file in a format compatible with cryptsetup-tcryptReconstruct.
  • -v, –verbose: Increase the verbosity of the output.
  • -h, –help: Print the help text and exit.


Inspecting a TrueCrypt-encrypted Device

cryptsetup-tcryptDump /dev/sda2

Extracting Header Information to a File

cryptsetup-tcryptDump --output-file header.tcrypt /dev/sda2

Analyzing the Private Header

cryptsetup-tcryptDump --analyze-private-header /dev/sda2

Common Issues

  • Incorrect Password: If the password provided for the encrypted device is incorrect, cryptsetup-tcryptDump will fail to extract metadata. Ensure the correct password is used.
  • Damaged Device: If the TrueCrypt-encrypted device or file is damaged or corrupted, extracting header information may not be possible.


cryptsetup-tcryptDump can be used in conjunction with cryptsetup-tcryptReconstruct to recover a lost password for a TrueCrypt-encrypted device or file.

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