cryptsetup-repair - Linux


cryptsetup-repair is a command in Linux that allows you to repair damaged or corrupt LUKS encryption headers. It can be used to recover data from encrypted partitions in case of accidental damage or hardware failure.


cryptsetup-repair [options] <device> [<device> ...]


  • –progress: Display progress of repair operation.
  • –verify: Verify the repaired header after repair.
  • –expert: Force advanced repair options. Use with caution.
  • –debug: Enable debug logging.
  • –help: Display help information.


Repair a damaged LUKS header

cryptsetup-repair /dev/sda2

Repair multiple LUKS headers

cryptsetup-repair /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb1

Verify repaired header

cryptsetup-repair --verify /dev/sda2

Advanced repair using expert mode (Caution: Use with care)

cryptsetup-repair --expert /dev/sda2

Common Issues

Unable to open device

Ensure the device you’re trying to repair is unlocked and accessible.

Repair failed with unknown error

Try using the --expert option for advanced repair techniques.

Header seems OK, but data is still inaccessible

Consider using data recovery tools or professional data recovery services.


cryptsetup-repair can be used in conjunction with other commands such as:

  • cryptsetup: To manage and manipulate LUKS headers.
  • fsck: To check and repair the filesystem on the encrypted partition.
  • dd: To copy data from the repaired header to a new device.

Related Commands

  • cryptsetup
  • luksformat
  • luksopen
  • fsck