cryptsetup-refresh - Linux


cryptsetup-refresh is a command-line tool for resuming previously suspended encrypted volumes in Linux. It is commonly used by administrators to mount encrypted partitions or devices without the need to re-enter the passphrase or encryption key.


cryptsetup-refresh [OPTIONS] <device>


  • -d, –device : Specify the device or partition to be resumed (e.g., /dev/sda3).
  • -i, –iter-time : Set the iteration time in milliseconds for the key derivation function (default: 2000).
  • -p, –parallel-jobs : Set the maximum number of parallel jobs to use for key derivation (default: 1).
  • -y, –yes: Automatically agree to resume the device without prompting for confirmation.
  • -v, –verbose: Increase the verbosity of the output.


Resuming a Suspended Encrypted Volume

cryptsetup-refresh /dev/sda3

Resuming a Suspended Volume with Increased Iteration Time

cryptsetup-refresh --iter-time 5000 /dev/sda3

Resuming a Suspended Volume Silently

cryptsetup-refresh -y /dev/sda3

Common Issues

  • Failure to Resume: Ensure that the passphrase or key used to encrypt the volume is correct and try again. If the passphrase is incorrect, the volume cannot be resumed.
  • Incorrect Device Name: Verify that the device name specified is correct and refers to the encrypted partition or device to be resumed.


cryptsetup-refresh can be integrated into scripts or used with other commands to automate volume management tasks. For instance:

echo "resume_volume" | cryptsetup luksResume /dev/sda3

Related Commands

  • cryptsetup: Primary utility for manipulating encrypted devices and volumes in Linux.
  • luks: Device-mapper encryption driver used by cryptsetup for full-disk encryption.