cryptsetup-plainOpen - Linux


cryptsetup-plainOpen is a Linux command used to open an encrypted partition or device using a plaintext passphrase. It is a powerful tool for managing encrypted storage devices, enabling quick and secure access to sensitive data.


cryptsetup-plainOpen [options] <device> <name_or_UUID>


  • -p, –plaintext-passphrase: Specify the plaintext passphrase to use for opening the partition.
  • -d, –device-name: Specify the name of the unlocked device, which can be used in subsequent operations.
  • -f, –force-open: Force open the partition even if it is already open.
  • -i, –key-file: Read the passphrase from the specified key file.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output.
  • -q, –quiet: Suppress all output except for errors.


Open an Encrypted Partition Using Passphrase:

cryptsetup-plainOpen /dev/mapper/test my_partition

Open an Encrypted Partition Using Key File:

cryptsetup-plainOpen -i /path/to/keyfile /dev/mapper/test my_partition

Common Issues

  • Permission denied: Ensure the user has sufficient permissions to access the device and passphrase file.
  • Invalid passphrase: Verify that the provided passphrase is correct and matches the passphrase used to encrypt the partition.
  • Device already unlocked: Use the -f flag to force open the partition.


Combine with Mount Command:

cryptsetup-plainOpen /dev/mapper/test my_partition
mount /dev/mapper/my_partition /mnt/test

Related Commands

  • cryptsetup: Manage encrypted partitions.
  • losetup: Set up and control loop devices.
  • veracrypt: Create and manage encrypted filesystems.
  • cryptsetup documentation