cryptsetup-luksResume - Linux


cryptsetup-luksResume resumes a paused or suspended LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) encrypted volume. It unlocks the volume and makes it available for use.


cryptsetup-luksResume [options] <name> [--key-file <file>] [--key-slot <slot>]


  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output.
  • -q, –quiet: Suppress all output except for errors.
  • -s, –save-key: Save the passphrase/key to a kernel keyring.
  • –key-file: Specify a file containing the encryption key.
  • –key-slot: Specify the key slot (0-7) to use.
  • — luks-header-offset: Specify the offset to the LUKS header in bytes.


Resume a LUKS volume named "myvolume" with a key file:

cryptsetup-luksResume --key-file /path/to/keyfile myvolume

Resume a LUKS volume using key-slot 2:

cryptsetup-luksResume --key-slot 2 myvolume

Common Issues

Error: Device or resource busy.

This error can occur if the LUKS volume is already active or in use. Ensure that the volume is not already unlocked or mounted.

Error: Invalid passphrase.

Verify that the passphrase/key entered is correct. If using a key file, ensure that it contains the correct key.


Use with cryptsetup:

cryptsetup-luksResume can be used with cryptsetup to unlock and mount a LUKS volume in one command:

cryptsetup open --cache-timeout 10 myvolume --key-file /path/to/keyfile && mount /dev/mapper/myvolume /mnt/data

Related Commands

  • cryptsetup
  • cryptsetup-luksOpen
  • cryptsetup-luksSuspend