cryptsetup-lukskillslot - Linux


cryptsetup-lukskillslot is a utility for managing key slots in LUKS disk encryption headers. It allows users to add, delete, and modify key slots for unlocking encrypted partitions.


cryptsetup lukskillslot [--key-file KEY_FILE] [OPTION...] DEVICE [-- LUKS_ARG]...


  • –key-file KEY_FILE
    Specifies the path to the key file containing the encryption key for the key slot.
  • –add
    Adds a new key slot to the LUKS header.
  • –delete
    Deletes the specified key slot from the LUKS header.
  • –modify
    Modifies the specified key slot in the LUKS header.
  • –clear
    Clears the specified key slot in the LUKS header, overwriting it with zeroes.
  • –set-flags
    Sets the specified slot flags for the specified key slot.
  • –unset-flags
    Unsets the specified slot flags for the specified key slot.
  • –verify-password
    Prompts the user to enter the password for the specified key slot and verifies it.
  • –help
    Displays a help message and exits.


Adding a Key Slot

cryptsetup --key-file /path/to/keyfile luksaddkey /dev/sda3

Deleting a Key Slot

cryptsetup --key-file /path/to/keyfile lukskillkey /dev/sda3 -d 1

Modifying a Key Slot

cryptsetup --key-file /path/to/keyfile lukskeyaddkey /dev/sda3 -m 1 --key-file /path/to/newkeyfile

Common Issues

  • Incorrect key file: Ensure that the specified key file contains the correct encryption key for the key slot.
  • Key slot not found: Verify that the specified key slot exists in the LUKS header.
  • Invalid slot flags: The specified slot flags must be valid and supported by the LUKS header.


cryptsetup-lukskillslot can be used with other tools, such as:

  • cryptsetup: To manage LUKS encrypted partitions.
  • openssl: To generate new encryption keys and verify passwords.

Related Commands

  • cryptsetup
  • luksformat
  • luksopen