cryptsetup-bitlkOpen - Linux


The cryptsetup-bitlkOpen command in Linux is a tool for unlocking BitLocker-encrypted devices. It provides a secure and convenient way to access encrypted data on external drives, USB storage devices, or other devices formatted using the BitLocker encryption method.


cryptsetup-bitlkOpen <device> <passphrases>...


  • device: The path to the BitLocker-encrypted device you want to unlock.
  • passphrases: One or more passphrases used to encrypt the device. Passphrases should be separated by spaces.




Simple Unlock

Unlock a BitLocker-encrypted USB drive using a single passphrase:

cryptsetup-bitlkOpen /dev/sdc1 "My super secret passphrase"

Multiple Passphrases

Unlock a BitLocker-encrypted device using multiple passphrases:

cryptsetup-bitlkOpen /dev/sda2 "First passphrase" "Second passphrase"

Common Issues

  • Invalid passphrase: Make sure you enter the correct passphrases. Incorrect passphrases will result in the device remaining locked.
  • Device not recognized: Verify that the device is properly connected and accessible by the system.


cryptsetup-bitlkOpen can be integrated into scripts or command chains to automate the unlocking process:

echo "My super secret passphrase" | cryptsetup-bitlkOpen /dev/sdc1

Related Commands

  • cryptsetup: Main cryptsetup command for managing encrypted devices.
  • bitlocker-unlock: Alternative command for unlocking BitLocker-encrypted drives.
  • hdparm --user-master u: Obtain the BitLocker keys from the TPM chip.