
CPU_ALLOC is a comprehensive tool in the Linux ecosystem that provides fine-grained control over CPU resource allocation for specific processes or users. It enables granular adjustment of CPU usage, allowing users to optimize system performance and resource utilization based on their workload requirements.


CPU_ALLOC [-h] [-v] [-q] [-p PID] [-u USERNAME] [-c PERCENT] [-d DURATION] [-i INTERVAL]


  • -h, –help: Display help and usage information.
  • -v, –version: Show version information.
  • -q, –quiet: Suppress non-error output.
  • -p PID, –pid PID: Specify the process ID (PID) to adjust.
  • -u USERNAME, –username USERNAME: Specify the username associated with the process to adjust.
  • -c PERCENT, –cpu-percent PERCENT: Set the desired CPU usage percentage (0-100).
  • -d DURATION, –duration DURATION: Specify the duration for which the CPU allocation will be applied (in seconds). Use ‘0’ for indefinite duration.
  • -i INTERVAL, –interval INTERVAL: Set the monitoring interval (in seconds) to track CPU usage and adjust allocations (requires -d).


Simple Usage:

CPU_ALLOC -p 1234 -c 50

Sets the CPU usage for process 1234 to 50%.

Complex Usage:

CPU_ALLOC -u maria -d 3600 -i 60 -c 75

Applies a CPU allocation of 75% for the next hour (3600 seconds) to all processes owned by the user ‘maria’, monitored every minute.

Common Issues

  • Permission denied: Ensure that you have sufficient permissions to adjust CPU allocations.
  • Invalid PID or username: Verify that the specified PID or username is valid.
  • CPU allocation exceeded: The specified CPU usage percentage cannot exceed 100%.
  • No matching processes: Check if any processes are running with the specified PID or owned by the specified username.


CPU_ALLOC can be integrated with other commands and tools to automate resource management:

  • crontab: Schedule periodic CPU adjustments for specific users or processes.
  • systemd unit files: Adjust CPU allocations on system startup or shutdown.
  • awk, grep, xargs: Combine with scripting techniques to fine-tune CPU usage based on dynamic conditions.

Related Commands

  • top, ps: Monitor current CPU usage.
  • nice, renice: Adjust process priorities.
  • taskset: Assign processes to specific CPU cores.