convertquota - Linux


convertquota is a command-line tool designed to convert data between different quota formats. It provides an efficient way to migrate quota information from one system to another or to update existing quota configurations.


convertquota [-hv] [-i input-file] [-o output-file] [-f input-format] [-t output-format]


  • -h, –help: Display help and usage information.
  • -v, –version: Show version information.
  • -i, –input-file: Specify the path to the input quota configuration file.
  • -o, –output-file: Specify the path to the output quota configuration file.
  • -f, –input-format: Specify the input quota format. Available formats: csv, quotaon, edquota, pquota. Default: csv.
  • -t, –output-format: Specify the output quota format. Available formats: csv, quotaon, edquota, pquota. Default: csv.


Convert a CSV file to the quotaon format:

convertquota -f csv -t quotaon -i quotas.csv -o quotas.quotaon

Convert a quotaon file to the edquota format:

convertquota -f quotaon -t edquota -i quotas.quotaon -o quotas.edquota

Common Issues

  • Missing input or output file: Ensure that both the input and output files exist and are accessible.
  • Invalid input format: Specify a valid input format using the -f option.
  • Invalid output format: Specify a valid output format using the -t option.


convertquota can be integrated with other Linux commands to perform advanced tasks, such as:

  • Generate quota reports: Convert quota data to a CSV format and use grep or awk to filter and present the desired information.
  • Update quota limits: Convert existing quota limits to a specific format and merge them with new limits using sed or patch.

Related Commands

  • quota: Manages disk quotas for users and groups.
  • edquota: Text editor-based interface for modifying disk quotas.
  • quotacheck: Scans filesystems and updates quota information.