conjf - Linux


conjf is a powerful tool designed to manage and control the firewall configuration on Linux systems. It provides a user-friendly interface for setting up and modifying firewall rules, making it an excellent choice for both novice and experienced users. conjf stands for "configure firewall" and reflects its primary purpose of managing firewall settings.


conjf [options] [command] [arguments]


  • -h, –help: Display the help menu and exit.
  • -v, –version: Display the version of conjf and exit.
  • -f, –file [file_path]: Specify the firewall configuration file to manage. Defaults to "/etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf".
  • -r, –reload: Reload the firewall configuration after applying changes.
  • -d, –debug: Enable debug mode for troubleshooting.


  • list: List all defined firewall rules.
  • add: Add a new firewall rule.
  • remove: Remove an existing firewall rule.
  • edit: Edit an existing firewall rule.
  • enable: Enable a disabled firewall rule.
  • disable: Disable an enabled firewall rule.


List firewall rules

conjf list

Add a new firewall rule

conjf add --port 80 --protocol tcp --action accept

Remove a firewall rule

conjf remove --rule-name "Allow web traffic"

Edit a firewall rule

conjf edit --rule-name "Allow web traffic" --action deny

Reload firewall configuration

conjf -r

Common Issues

  • Firewall still not working after making changes: Run systemctl restart firewalld to apply the changes.
  • Invalid rule syntax: Check the syntax of the rule and ensure it matches the expected format.
  • Rule not found: Verify that the rule you are trying to modify exists in the configuration file.


conjf can be integrated with other Linux commands and tools for advanced tasks. For example, it can be combined with the iptables command to create more complex firewall rules.

Related Commands

  • firewalld: The primary firewall management tool for Linux systems.
  • ufw: A simple and intuitive firewall management utility.
  • firewall-cmd: A command-line interface for managing firewall rules.