color_set - Linux


color_set is a command-line utility for setting and manipulating ANSI color codes in a terminal. It allows users to customize the appearance and presentation of text and output in text-based applications and scripts.


color_set [options] [text]


| Option | Description | Default |
| -b, –bold | Set bold text | False |
| -i, –italic | Set italic text | False |
| -u, –underline | Set underlined text | False |
| -f, –foreground | Set foreground color | Black |
| -bg, –background | Set background color | Black |
| -c, –color | Set both foreground and background color | Black on Black |
| -r, –reset | Reset all color settings | – |
| -s, –stop | Stop color effects | – |
| -h, –help | Display help and usage information | – |


Simple Usage:

color_set -f red

Customizing Text Appearance:

echo "Hello, world!" | color_set -b -u

Setting Color Combinations:

color_set -c yellow on green

Resetting Color Settings:

color_set -r

Common Issues

  • Missing Colors: Ensure that your terminal supports ANSI color codes.
  • Inconsistent Behavior: Different terminals may interpret color codes differently.


Command Chaining:

ls | color_set -f green


color_set -f blue
echo "This text will be displayed in blue"
color_set -r

Related Commands

  • reset – Resets terminal settings, including colors.
  • tput – Sets terminal attributes, including color codes.