collectl2pcp - Linux


collectl2pcp continuously collects Linux system metrics and converts them into the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) pmlogger format. It is useful for integrating existing collectl data collection into a PCP-based monitoring framework.


collectl2pcp [options] [interval] [[output file] | -]


  • -V, –version: Print version information and exit.
  • -d, –debug: Enable verbose debugging messages.
  • -h, –help: Print usage information and exit.
  • -i, –interval: Interval between data collections in seconds. Default: 10.
  • -t, –max-time: Maximum run time in seconds. Default: 0 (unlimited).
  • -o, –output: Output file to write data to. Default: stdout.
  • -p, –port: PCP port number used for communication. Default: 44321.
  • -H, –hostname: Hostname or IP address of PCP server. Default: localhost.


Simple usage:

collectl2pcp 10 output.log

With maximum time limit:

collectl2pcp -t 600

Sending to a remote PCP server:

collectl2pcp -H my-pcp-server -p 12345

Common Issues

  • Error connecting to PCP server: Ensure that the PCP daemon is running and the correct hostname/port are provided.
  • Missing data points: Check that collectl is collecting the desired metrics. Enable debug mode (-d) for additional diagnostic information.


With other PCP tools: Use pmlogger to integrate the collected data into PCP archives and pmchart to visualize it.

With Grafana: Use the PCP integration plugin to import data into Grafana dashboards.

Related Commands

  • collectl: Collects system metrics in native format.
  • pmlogger: Logs data to a PCP archive.
  • pmchart: Displays data from PCP archives in graphical form.