clog10f - Linux


The clog10f command calculates the base-10 logarithm of each element in the input data, resulting in an output array of the same dimensions. It is commonly used in various fields, including signal processing, image manipulation, and scientific computing, where log transformations are frequently employed for data analysis and feature scaling.


clog10f [options] <input_data> [<output_data>]


  • -h, –help: Display help information and exit.
  • -v, –version: Output version information and exit.
  • -i, –inplace: Perform the operation inplace on the input data (destructive).
  • -D, –debug: Enable debug logging.


Simple Example:

clog10f my_data.txt output.txt

Calculates the base-10 logarithm of each value in my_data.txt and saves the output in output.txt.

Inplace Operation:

clog10f -i my_data.txt

Performs the logarithmic transformation inplace on my_data.txt, overwriting the original values.

Complex Example:

clog10f -D my_data.txt | grep 2.5 | wc -l

Calculates the base-10 logarithm of values in my_data.txt, filters for values greater than 2.5, and counts the number of occurrences using the grep and wc commands.

Common Issues

  • Invalid Input: If the input data contains non-numeric characters, an error will occur. Ensure the input is valid numeric data.


clog10f can be integrated with other Linux commands for advanced processing tasks:

cat my_data.txt | clog10f | plot -t "Logarithm of Data"

Uses cat to read data, calculates the logarithm with clog10f, and plots the results using the plot command.

Related Commands

  • log10f: Calculates the base-10 logarithm for floating-point data.
  • log: Calculates the natural logarithm (base-e).
  • log2: Calculates the base-2 logarithm.