clnt_sperrno - Linux


clnt_sperrno is a Linux command used to identify the corresponding system error number for a given SunRPC client error code. It provides a convenient way to map RPC error codes to their underlying system-level error codes.


clnt_sperrno [RPC error code]




  • Get the system error number for RPC error code 2:

    clnt_sperrno 2
  • Get the system error number for RPC error code in a Bash variable:

    system_error_number=$(clnt_sperrno $rpc_error_code)

Common Issues

If the specified RPC error code is not recognized, clnt_sperrno will print an error message and return -1.


clnt_sperrno can be useful in error handling routines or debugging scenarios where it is necessary to determine the underlying system error associated with an RPC error code.

Related Commands

  • clnt_sperror: Prints the error message associated with an RPC error code.
  • rpcinfo: Provides information about RPC programs, services, and protocols.
  • rpcgen: Generates C code for RPC programs.