client.conf - Linux


The client.conf file is a configuration file used by various Bitcoin and Litecoin clients, including Bitcoin Core, Litecoin Core, and related derivatives. It allows users to specify configuration settings and customize the behavior of the client.




| Option | Description | Default |
| rpcuser | Username for RPC connections | |
| rpcpassword | Password for RPC connections | |
| rpcport | Port for RPC connections | 8332 (Bitcoin), 9332 (Litecoin) |
| rpcallowip | IP addresses allowed to connect to RPC | None |
| datadir | Path to the data directory | ~/.bitcoin (Bitcoin), ~/.litecoin (Litecoin) |
| testnet | Enable testnet mode | False |
| regtest | Enable regression test mode | False |
| port | Port for P2P connections | 8333 (Bitcoin), 9333 (Litecoin) |
| listen | Enable listening for P2P connections | True |
| connect | Nodes to connect to | None |
| addnode | Nodes to add to the address book | None |
| seednode | Nodes to use as seeds | Predefined list |
| maxconnections | Maximum number of P2P connections | 125 |
| minrelaytxfee | Minimum relay fee for transactions | 0.00001 BTC/LTC |
| debug | Enable debugging output | False |
| daemon | Run client as a daemon | False |


To specify the RPC username and password:


To set the data directory to a custom path:


To enable testnet mode:


Common Issues

  • Permission denied errors when starting the client: Ensure that the client.conf file has the correct file permissions and is owned by the user running the client.
  • RPC connection refused errors: Check that the rpcuser and rpcpassword settings are correct and that the RPC port is open for connections.
  • Client not syncing: Verify that the connect and addnode settings are correct, and that the client has a stable internet connection.


The client.conf file can be used in conjunction with other commands and tools to manage Bitcoin and Litecoin nodes:

  • bitcoind -conf=client.conf: Start Bitcoin Core with the specified configuration file.
  • litecoind -conf=client.conf: Start Litecoin Core with the specified configuration file.
  • bitcoin-cli -conf=client.conf: Interact with the Bitcoin Core client using the command line interface.
  • litecoin-cli -conf=client.conf: Interact with the Litecoin Core client using the command line interface.

Related Commands

  • bitcoind – Bitcoin Core client
  • litecoind – Litecoin Core client
  • bitcoin-cli – Bitcoin Core command line interface
  • litecoin-cli – Litecoin Core command line interface