circleq - Linux


circleq is a versatile Linux command used for efficiently creating and manipulating circular dependency graphs. It is particularly useful in software development, system analysis, and business process modeling.


circleq [options] <source_file>


| Flag | Description | Default |
| -i, –input | Input source file | – |
| -o, –output | Output image file | – |
| -f, –format | Output image format (svg, png, dot, jpg) | svg |
| -l, –layout | Graph layout algorithm (dot, neato, circo, fdp) | dot |
| -s, –scale | Graph scale factor | 1 |
| -h, –help | Display help message | – |
| -v, –version | Display version information | – |


Create a circular dependency graph from a source file:

circleq -i my_source.txt -o my_graph.svg

Generate a PNG image with a different layout algorithm:

circleq -i my_source.txt -o my_graph.png -f png -l fdp

Customizing the graph scale:

circleq -i my_source.txt -o my_graph.svg -s 1.5

Common Issues

  • Graph Overload: Ensure your source file is not overly complex, as it can lead to cluttered graphs.
  • Layout Issues: Experiment with different layout algorithms to find the best representation for your graph.
  • Incorrect Syntax: Carefully check your command syntax and resolve any typos or missing arguments.


Combining with Graphviz Tools: circleq can be integrated with Graphviz utilities like dot and neato for advanced graph customization and analysis.

Use in Pipelines: Integrate circleq into automated pipelines to detect and visualize circular dependencies during code development and software packaging.

Related Commands

  • dot: Graph visualization tool by Graphviz
  • plantuml: UML diagram generation tool
  • mermaid: Markdown-based diagramming tool