charmap - Linux


The charmap command displays a graphical character map that allows users to visually browse and select Unicode characters with their corresponding code points. It is a useful tool for developers, designers, and anyone working with text and character encoding.


charmap [options]


  • –unicode (None): Display Unicode characters. This is the default mode.
  • –ascii (None): Display only ASCII characters.
  • –blocks (None): Display a list of Unicode blocks.
  • –code-points (None): Show code points of characters.
  • –font ("Terminus"): Specify the font to use in the character map.
  • –height (24): Set the height of the character map in lines.
  • –width (80): Set the width of the character map in columns.
  • –scale (1): Scale the character map by the given factor.
  • –help (None): Print help information and exit.
  • –version (None): Print version information and exit.


  • Display the Unicode character map:
  • Display only ASCII characters:
charmap --ascii
  • List Unicode blocks:
charmap --blocks
  • Show code points of characters:
charmap --code-points
  • Use a different font:
charmap --font Menlo

Common Issues

  • If the character map does not display correctly, try adjusting the terminal font settings or updating your terminal emulator.
  • Some fonts may not support all Unicode characters. If a character is missing, try using a different font.


The charmap command can be piped to other commands for further processing. For example, to save the character map as an image file:

charmap | convert -trim +repage BMP3:charmap.bmp

Related Commands

  • hexdump: Display a file in different formats, including character encoding.
  • od: Print the contents of a file in octal, decimal, hexadecimal, and other formats.
  • unichar: Identify and display Unicode characters.