cexpl - Linux
cexpl allows comprehensive exploration and manipulation of Linux containers. Designed for use in DevOps and troubleshooting scenarios, cexpl enables users to gain insights into the inner workings of containers and modify their behavior on the fly.
- -h, –help: Display usage information.
- -v, –version: Show version information.
- -c, –container: Specify the container to operate on. Required.
- -i, –interactive: Start container in interactive mode, including a live shell.
- -f, –filter: Filter commands by name using substring matching.
- -s, –silent: Suppress output, including errors.
- -d, –debug: Enable debug mode, providing additional diagnostic information.
1. Explore container commands:
cexpl -c my-container ls
2. Execute commands within a container:
cexpl -c my-container bash -c "echo Hello from inside!"
3. Inspect container resources:
cexpl -c my-container stats
cexpl -c my-container top
4. Interactively debug a container:
cexpl -c my-container -i --bash
5. Capture container logs:
cexpl -c my-container logs --tail=10
Common Issues
- Container not found: Ensure the specified container name is correct.
- Permission denied: Verify that the user has sufficient permissions to access the container.
- Invalid command: Ensure that the specified command is available within the container.
cexpl can be used in conjunction with other tools:
- kubectl: Manage Kubernetes pods using cexpl by passing the pod name as the container.
- docker: Use cexpl to manipulate Docker containers.
- jq: Parse and process JSON output from cexpl using jq.
Related Commands
- docker
- kubectl
- chroot
- lxc