ccosl - Linux


The ccosl command in Linux is a mathematical utility used for calculating the cosine of the angle represented by its operand. It takes an input value in radians and returns the corresponding cosine value. The command is primarily used in mathematical operations, scientific computing, and engineering applications.



  • x: Angle in radians for which the cosine is to be calculated.


This command does not have any options or flags.


Simple Example:

echo "0.7071067811865475"  | ccosl

Complex Example:

result=$(echo "$angle_in_radians" | ccosl)
echo "Cosine of $angle_in_radians radians is: $result"

Common Issues

  • Invalid Input: Ensure that the input value to ccosl is a valid angle in radians. Invalid inputs may result in unexpected or incorrect results.
  • Unit Conversion: If the input angle is not in radians, use the appropriate conversion tool or formula to convert it before using ccosl.


ccosl can be combined with other commands or tools in shell scripts or pipelines for complex calculations. For example:

# Calculate the cosine of the sum of two angles
result=$(echo "($angle1_radians + $angle2_radians)" | ccosl)
echo "Cosine of the sum of $angle1_radians and $angle2_radians radians is: $result"

Related Commands

  • csinl: Calculate sine of an angle.
  • ctanl: Calculate tangent of an angle.
  • acosl: Calculate arccosine of a value.
  • asinl: Calculate arcsine of a value.
  • atanl: Calculate arctangent of a value.