CBS - Linux


CBS (Cluster Bootstrap Server) is a command-line utility for creating, managing, and interacting with Kubernetes clusters. It simplifies cluster deployment by automating cluster setup, configuration, and maintenance tasks.


cbs [global options] command [command options] [arguments]


| Option | Description | Default |
| -c, –config | Path to the cluster configuration file | $HOME/.cbs/config |
| -v, –verbose | Enable verbose output | false |
| -h, –help | Print help and usage information | – |


| Command | Description |
| create | Create a new cluster |
| delete | Delete an existing cluster |
| scale | Scale a cluster up or down |
| status | Get the status of a cluster |
| attach | Attach a node to a cluster |
| detach | Detach a node from a cluster |
| set-node-role | Set the role of a node in a cluster |
| certs | Manage cluster certificates |
| node-cert | Manage node certificates |
| password | Reset the password for a user |


Create a new cluster:

cbs create --name my-cluster

Scale a cluster up:

cbs scale --name my-cluster --nodes 5

Get the status of a cluster:

cbs status --name my-cluster

Attach a node to a cluster:

cbs attach --name my-cluster --node-name new-node

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