catanh - Linux


catanh is a command-line utility that calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number. The hyperbolic tangent function is the inverse of the hyperbolic sine function, and is commonly used in mathematical and scientific applications.


catanh <number>




Calculate the inverse hyperbolic tangent of 0.5

$ catanh 0.5

Use within a shell script


# Read a number from standard input

# Calculate the inverse hyperbolic tangent
result=$(catanh $num)

# Print the result
echo $result

Common Issues

  • Error: Invalid input – The input to catanh must be a valid number. If an invalid number is provided, an error will be displayed.


catanh can be integrated with other Linux commands and tools for advanced tasks. For example, it can be used to:

  • Calculate the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a range of numbers
seq -1 1 | catanh
  • Plot the inverse hyperbolic tangent function
catanh | gnuplot -p -e "plot '-' with lines"

Related Commands

  • sinh – Calculates the hyperbolic sine of a number
  • cosh – Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of a number
  • tanh – Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of a number